More Resources to Benefit From Your Alone Time

I want to highlight a few more resources which are available to make the most of your time in isolation. I would encourage any of these over becoming lost in the news cycle. These will benefit your soul! Let me highlight 3 of them.

  1. A free PDF version of the book, Big Picture Bible Crafts, by Gail Schoonmaker. If you have kids, this is a no-brainer. It’s filled with 101 crafts built around Bible stories (Mandy was over the moon!). It’s FREE, people!
  2. If you want some good meditations to use in your devotional time, Paul Tripp’s book, A Shelter in the Time of Storm, is also available as a free PDF. It consists of 52 devotions from Psalm 27.
  3. Free, printable (and nicely designed) Bible verse cards. You can post these inside your house as reminders of the promises of God. You can memorise them, too, so they are always with you.

I STRONGLY encourage you to take advantage of some of these resources. Don’t miss out on what God wants to do in you through these times!!