4 October Sermon Helps (Kids/Youth/Adults)

11am Service 4 October 2020

Hi Everyone

The sermon outline is attached below along with some reflection questions. See you Wednesday at 7:30 on Zoom. Link is on the attached PDF.

Sermon Handout 1v18-32

Dear GCBC Parents:

Adam will be preaching on Romans 1:18-32. We learn in these verses that God has revealed himself through creation and that our sin of worshiping creation over the Creator keeps us from a right relationship with God. The children have been given verses to reflect on God as Creator and on trusting God over other people and things (also known as idolatry). When you are outside with your children, remind them of God’s handiwork, that nature is his handiwork. And when your children show behaviour leaning towards idolatry (worshiping or putting hope in people and things other than God), point this out to them and remind them that it is so much better to place our trust in God. Share with them when you struggle with this yourself so that they know it is normal, and we must pray for the Holy Spirit to help us focus on trusting God.

God Bless,


Sunday, 4th October Links:

Digging Deeper for Children (print the Digging Deeper worksheet or write out the following Scripture passage on your own piece of paper and follow the instructions below; then answer the questions listed after the verses)

  • Circle all the things God created
  • Underline the verses that tell what God created human beings to do

Psalm 8 (NLT)

1 O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!

Your glory is higher than the heavens.

2 You have taught children and infants

to tell of your strength,

silencing your enemies

and all who oppose you.

3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—

the moon and the stars you set in place—

4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,

human beings that you should care for them?

5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God

and crowned them with glory and honour.

6 You gave them charge of everything you made,

putting all things under their authority—

7 the flocks and the herds

and all the wild animals,

8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,

and everything that swims the ocean currents.

9 O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!

What do you learn about God when you look at the world (nature) around you?

Digging Deeper for Children (print the Digging Deeper worksheet or write out the following Scripture passage on your own piece of paper and follow the instructions below; then answer the questions listed after the verses)

  • Circle the word “trust” where you see it
  • Put a square around the words “Some” and “we”
  • Underline “LORD our God”

Psalm 20:7 (ESV)

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,

but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

  1. I’m assuming you don’t have chariots or horses to trust in, but what can you think of that you might put trust in over God? (For example, we trust our friends to make us feel special, but the Bible tells us that we are special because God created us in his image. Another example is trusting that a new toy will make us feel happy, but the Bible tells us that true joy is found in God’s love for us.) 
  2. We know God is real because we see proof of this in nature. When we don’t believe in God, this is sin.

We can trust in God because he is more reliable than other people or things. When we trust other people and things over God, this is sin.

Do you find it hard to believe in God or trust in God? Talk with your parents or trusted adult about this. It is normal to feel this way and good to talk about it.

And remember the good news that Jesus died for our sins!

Family Links – 

    1. For parents, I found this article insightful in knowing how to talk with my children about idolatry – https://momlifetoday.com/2013/04/teaching-my-child-to-avoid-idolatry/
    2. For parents, I found this article helpful in teaching our children about God our Creator – https://findingrhythmsenjoyinglife.com/wonder-god-is-my-creator
    3. Bible Project video great for older children/teens called “Image of God” to relate to today’s sermon – https://bibleproject.com/explore/image-god/

Digging deeper verses 4th October

